Free Storage Sites

One thing most of us do not do is backup our computers. You can do it with an external hard drive or with DVD's, but everyone should have a cloud backup. Why? because what happens if your computer and the external drive are stolen or lost in a fire? You need off site backup, as I mention in another section of the website. There are many sites that offer you backup for free. The only problem is that most, if not all of them limit the amount you have and in those instances, they are usually less than you need. If you do not mind navigating to different sites, then you actually can back up everything online for free. Here's How...
In previous articles, I direct you to sites that will handle your largest problem, storing thousands of songs and pictures. For the most part, the rest of your files are typically very small, thus you can save them online in various places that can handle all of them. Some of those sites are as follows: - Free 15GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Microsoft Skydrive - Free 7GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Dropbox - Free 2GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Google Access - Free 15GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access - Free 5GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Pogoplug Cloud - Free 5GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Sugarsync - Free 5GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Binfile - Free 10GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Humyo - Free 10GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
IDrive - Free 2GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
Orbitfiles - Free 6GB of storage, any file type, mobile and desktop access
So far we are up to 82 GB of storage for free and this does not include your music or pictures.
Add in that several of the services offer additional storage for free for referrals and more storage for a small fee if you so choose. The only downside? You have to do the uploads, none do automatic backups, although there are ways to accomplish this, if you want to get Geeky!